9 tips for dealing with staff turnover and getting through

For you who are in that productive activity that requires labor to function

If you are in the complex world of companies, businesses or services, it is most likely that you have to deal with the complicated situation of staff turnover, which is nothing more than the result of the departure of people from the human team that accompanies and that encourage the entry of useful people to replace them in those vacant positions. We already know that the 2 ways for that piece of the labor force to leave is by way of resignation or dismissal.

The staffing strategy to face the disincorporation of personnel in your company, a source of balance

To talk about workforce rotation we must bear in mind an aspect that is just as important, the provision of suitable personnel. These two aspects are part of the game that are intertwined in the production processes and the second is intended to balance that rotation.

Therefore, whatever the causes of this disincorporation of the workforce, we recommend you to be attentive to taking care of your human capital and at the same time have a way to replace it if necessary.

The consequences of high turnover and how to manage it

It is a fact that the times in which we find ourselves referring to human talent is quite a problem. Especially when it comes to employee turnover. This implies periods of adaptation of the new personnel, training, formation on norms and philosophy of the company, among other aspects that require time. Which interferes with plans and causes additional costs. Therefore, we give you some tips to handle situations of this type:

  1. Select and activate:

Selection is key to avoid having to constantly renew staff at all costs. Have an efficient method of recruiting and choosing among the most suitable candidates. Not only in their abilities, since there are other factors that count, such as the attitude, commitment and sense of belonging that they can develop. Including emotional stability.

  1. A friendly and pleasant environment:

Make your work spaces a friendly work environment. Remember that in many cases, your employees will be in your company longer than in their own home. For that reason and for betting on the well-being of your work team, put your heart into maintaining a humane and flexible environment.

  1. Give them a place of importance:

Develop productive relationship systems where workers feel comfortable through direct and cordial treatment. Approach these and listen to their particular situations. The idea is that they perceive that they are important to the organization or business.

  1. Training and constant professional development

Keep your staff in continuous training and professional development that helps you carry your plans and activities to a safe port. In this way, they will feel that they are still updated and that they are taken into account by you.

  1. Allow them to express themselves and give their opinion

Use direct communication channels. So that your staff can express their concerns, show that you motivate them at work. Ideally, there should be open-door communication and an exchange of opinions based on respect.

  1. Adequate and stable salaries and social security

A topic that seems obvious but that is usually left aside, is with regard to monetary benefits and social security benefits. In such a competitive global market, you must offer added values ​​that satisfy your human resource.

  1. Promotes home-work balance

The promotion of work-family balance has to do with the well-being in the home of that worker. What we advise you is to keep family life in mind and have policies that make you feel satisfied with your work and at the same time happy with your loved ones.

  1. Ask yourself and reflect

It is healthy to avoid negative employee turnover by asking yourself. Does your human team feel valued and show commitment for that reason? Are your managers and supervisors empathetic, accessible and proactive? Are you being flexible with them when such an attitude is required? And many other questions that come to the surface.

  1. Sense of belonging, respect and recognition to avoid resignations due to “anger”

It prevents “rage” resignations from occurring. According to some studies in the area of ​​human resources, they are caused by the lack of recognition of what they contribute to the cause, by not having cultivated a sense of belonging and synergy and by feeling (although it is not entirely true), little respect for colleagues and bosses. Take the appropriate measures through effective strategies such as the use of organizational coaching.

More recommendations to avoid the movement of workforce

It is very important to maintain the human capital that accompanies you efficiently for as long as possible, that you provide mental health options in the work spaces. That includes, security and stability. Another aspect is communication based on respect and trust to express your ideas and feelings. Also, hold brainstorming sessions in order to make your team part of the decisions.

Put your corporate and business crew retention strategies in motion

We know how complex it is to be in charge of a productive activity. Therefore, alleviating or reducing turnover is vital to achieving stability in the corporate structure and production processes.

For that reason, we invite you to take action on the matter and be attentive to those strategies that put an end to such rotation. If you require a labor and professional staffing service, contact us.

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