Prevention and safety are essential aspects in companies

To be clear about the meaning of safety and prevention in favor of safeguarding the health and well-being of company workers, it is necessary to say that it has become a priority. Therefore, if you are in the mood to manage your human talent as assertively as possible, we bring you a series of recommendations that you should keep in mind in the aspects of these areas.
- The identification of risks in the company and even outside it. That is why recognizing what can affect your workers while they are performing their duties will allow you to take the most appropriate preventive and corrective measures. An example of this is adapting physical spaces to make them safe.
- Train your workers in prevention measures, order and cleanliness. Many accidents and occupational diseases are avoided when staff members are aware of the importance of safety.
- Promote prevention plans and integrate them. This task starts with a design that must be implemented and applied to minimize the risks that cause problems for the company and those involved. Remember that, in addition to avoiding the pain of your employees as a priority, you avoid economic losses due to absenteeism of the workforce.
- Implementing effective security and prevention plans enhances your corporate image. Also your credibility takes a high level in the eyes of the market and customers. In addition to making your company a desirable place to work. This ensures top-notch talent.
- Maintain a permanent monitoring and surveillance system that generates percentages and environmental and sanitary data that will allow you to develop strategies to guarantee these safety objectives.
- Implement first aid and emergency programs. There it is also necessary to train workers so that they have knowledge for these emergency tasks.
- Check the physical plant of your company. So that, in case of emergencies, the process is optimal and safe. This implies supervising exits, passageways, evacuation routes and work spaces. These must be clean and free of objects and slippery substances.
- Train your workers in the use of tools and to follow to the letter the instructions to operate and maintain the machinery. Likewise to the work procedures so that they are safe.
- Comply with the use of protective equipment and make sure that your personnel use it properly. These include gloves, helmet, safety boots, ear protectors, goggles, among others.
- Keep in mind the prevention and follow-up of measures regarding the handling of chemical products with their hygiene measures. Similarly, the load of heavy objects and products which you must ensure that they comply with the standards. Also with the recommendations regarding sun exposure or very hot or cold spaces.
Safety regulations

In this sense, it is necessary to observe what is related to the so-called safety standards, which are constituted by preventive recommendations that have to do with the ways of acting within the work spaces. These also contain guidelines, orders and instructions addressed to personnel and are set out in a document. This document sets out the possible risks and how to prevent them.
More input to reaffirm the safety of personnel, the message
- In order to strengthen a culture of safe work and that all members of the company are within the rules and procedures of safe work, it is advisable to implement a slogan that is visible to workers. Here we show you how slogans are recommended:
- They should be short and impactful.
- Focused on the preventive objective.
- If possible, use rhymes in the message and be original.
- Acronyms are also effective.
- Easy to remember and catchy.
- The idea is that it stays in the eyes and minds of the workers.
These safety slogans that become part of people’s lives at their workplace can be created by you or by your marketing consultants. Today we give you some examples.
- Safety is not a game
- Keep in mind the safety of yourself and others.
- The best thing to do is to insure yourself with prevention.
- If we respect the rules we will be safer.
- An important objective: zero damage.
- Prevention is better than cure.
- You are important to everyone, work safely.
- Security is free, take advantage of it.
- Safety is a priority in this workplace.
- Safety and prevention are two key words here.
- Compliance with prevention is satisfaction and well-being.
Connecting to standards is vital for everyone.

Ideally, personnel working in production areas should be familiar with procedures and standards for prevention and action in the event of possible emergencies related to the development of work tasks involving accidents or illnesses in the workplace. For this reason, it is recommended to seek advice from people or companies that are familiar with safety issues.
A staffing company that trains its employees: an advantage
Staffing services that train your workers in the area of safe work and prevention provide you with a quality service so that you can incorporate human talent that is aware and prepared to face whatever is necessary.
If you want an efficient service with trained staff contact us.