Let’s talk about job profiles and the factors involved
It surely has happened to you that you require staff to fill your vacancies and it is difficult for you to find those people who reach that ideal profile. Despite the fact that you have well defined the traits that you need that worker to have. Today we tell you that, on some occasions, the problem goes beyond the profile. There are other factors that influence that area. Remember that they are human beings with their unique and particular experiences, abilities and way of being.
Performance that aims for productivity

The performance of the workforce is an issue that always worries businessmen, entrepreneurs, business owners or service providers. Since, this aspect is directly linked to the productivity of what you are developing. All this is related to carrying out tasks in the shortest time, efficiently and with the minimum investment possible.
Of course, not all of the goals are always met and that causes some frustration. For this reason, everything that allows you to improve the development of your workers is well received.
How can we get the most out of our human resources in balance with their well-being?
To continue in the line of seeking the optimal performance of your workers, we give you some ideas that can help you when executing actions towards productivity. To do this, you have some strategies that start from the emotional balance of the worker and the benefit that he brings you through his work. These would be motivation, permanent communication and constant training. Next we detail them a little more:
- MOTIVATION: it has to do with the movement that people have towards an objective. This is strengthened by the worker identifying himself with that task assigned to him. For this, you can use a reward system. It can be monetary, it can also be recognition and the opportunity to move up in terms of responsibilities and positions where he or she can rise in the hierarchical order within the organization.
- PERMANENT COMMUNICATION: through a fluid information system in which the worker receives feedback on what he does and can express his opinion and ideas in any aspect.. Processes must be implemented where recognition of achievements is the order of the day.

- PERMANENT TRAINING: What Covey calls in “The seven habits for highly effective people” “sharpening the saw”. The simple fact of being constantly learning is an effective motivating factor. The vital thing is to make that person feel that they are enriching themself with new knowledge that makes them someone capable, who grows with the company. Making their self-esteem go through the roof. This is part of what drives productivity up. Generally that human being will feel appreciated and with greater opportunities in the labor field.
Take into account the so-called emotional salary
It is also important that you take into account what is called the emotional salary. Which is made up of those compensations available to the worker (non-economic), this, in general, aims to give people a balance between the personal and what has to do with their work. Some examples are time for distraction, internal nurseries in the work area, as well as gyms and anything that improves the lives of employees without it being cold, hard money.
Here are some tips that will help you encourage the best performance of your collaborators:
- Make sure that the people who work for you are comfortable in the workplace. Remember that, on many occasions, they spend more time in the work area than spending time with their families. So, making that person feel good is vital. In addition to encouraging enough rest.
- Maintain an execution regime based on planning effectively, this action allows you to keep track of time and the achievement of tasks. What will give you order and you will be able to know together with your staff where they are going exactly.
- Have well defined work blocks and when to rest. This will facilitate the optimal work and will give you the certainty of progress. These breaks allow workers to jumpstart their brains and give them the energy they need to be productive.
- Put into practice the system of safety, order and cleanliness, feeling safe is an incentive to work carefully, in addition, people have the feeling that the managers and the organization in general care a lot. Similarly, order and cleanliness are vital for the expected performance to be achieved smoothly and smoothly.
- Concentrate on one task at a time, that means that this staff will dedicate themselves to well-defined actions until they are achieved. Focusing on a single goal until it is achieved has been shown to be a clear hallmark of good performance.

- Sow in your staff the values, mission and vision that guide you as an employer. Also that they know the procedures, the internal policies and the objectives that are pursued. That will let them know where the train they are traveling on is going and how they should constantly act.
- On the other hand, employers frequently use inadequate strategies to incorporate the most suitable people into their work. Carefully review the way you select those individuals. This is related to how to attract that workforce. Therefore, it is best to seek advice from those who are proficient in the subject.
- Maintain the corporate habit of explaining the reason for some decisions and what is expected as a result of them. That gives you confidence and certainty that it is always for everyone’s benefit.
- Cultivate synergy, so that workers understand that they are an important part of a human team where the group achieves great results. Where they are elements of that productive system.
- Incorporate, to the extent of your possibilities, professionals who attend to your human resource. So that they can count on emotional, psychological and simply counseling support to help them at any given time. Among them, psychologists, coaches, counselors, financial experts, or any specialist that is needed.
Recruitment is a vital part of the productive work process
It is good to recognize that hiring and establishing work teams that are productive and that work in a systematic way is complex. Therefore, one of the first steps is to choose those who will be part of your precious company. Then, start strategies that take advantage of the potential of each of the members already hired. If you need our services, connect with us.