Work and the Halo Effect as a Determining Factor
In the world of workforce recruitment, there are many factors that can influence successful hiring, and the halo effect is one of them. It is a form of bias generated by the first impression one has of something or someone, leading to judgments based on the observer’s opinion.
The First Impression and its Influence in Labor Processes
In the specific case of talent acquisition processes in companies and businesses to fill vacancies, the so-called halo effect presents itself as a variable that can condition the selection and even the successful performance of the job. This poses the risk of overlooking capable workers with proactive attitudes.
A Cognitive Bias Present in Companies
This cognitive bias functions in people as the attribution of characteristics solely based on that first encounter, which could be their physical appearance, way of speaking, gestures, or any particularity observed in that individual. This occurs without considering the potential strengths or weaknesses of the person.
It does not take into account negative or positive aspects that arise when delving into the analysis and interviews of the personnel. In other words, it is influenced by that initial impression, which in many cases harms corporations.
Why is it Important to Reduce the Halo Effect in Human Resources?

1) Relying solely on first impressions during the recruitment and selection phase can lead to hiring someone who is not the most suitable for the position.
2) The lack of objectivity due to this type of bias can create conflicts and disrupt harmony in the workplace.
3) Bias, like the halo effect, can taint the selection of potential workers, resulting in the loss of excellent candidates who are best suited for the job. This ultimately affects productivity.
4) In extreme cases, this phenomenon can lead to discrimination based on racial, religious, sexual orientation, socioeconomic, or other prejudices. This sets a bad precedent for the company.
5) The work environment may be affected as a sense of unfairness due to favoritism could arise.
6) Difficulties may arise in resolving certain issues due to the lack of objectivity, creating an environment where recognition of abilities and attitudes is biased.
7) This effect can also impact evaluations of workers at any level, as it prevents fair assessment of their strengths and skills.
The Halo Effect is not Always Negative

The halo effect is not entirely negative, as it plays an important role in marketing. Creating a positive first impression with potential consumers or service users is vital for advertising campaigns. Establishing that initial connection between the brand and the consumer is essential.
Strategies to Minimize Cognitive Biases:
*Be aware of the existence of the halo effect, study it, and master it to avoid the mentioned problems.
*If possible, assemble a panel to evaluate workers, especially during job interviews. This option can help maintain objectivity in the hiring process.
*Utilize tools like personnel assessment software to access better information about the performance and potential of candidates or existing employees undergoing evaluation. This can ensure a balanced and unbiased evaluation process.
Striving for Efficiency through Balanced Procedures
In any admission or evaluation process, professionalism and objectivity are crucial to building efficient and dynamic teams. Therefore, it is essential to avoid any influence that could negatively impact corporate and business performance.
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